The Feline and Friendship Advisory Panel (FFAP)
steven meserve
Location: Portugal
kathy keeley
Location: USA
thiago Pellizzaro
Location: Portugal
Location: USA
dora castillo
Location: South America
Kazumi ichikawa-frost
Location: Japan
The business is advised by the Feline and Friends Advisory Panel (FFAP) which are appointed by the BODs. The BODs have a financial interest in the company and will make the best decisions for the company as a whole and will not have direct input to the FFAP on rules, judges, etc. - unless it affects finances.
All Friends and anyone conducting business with LCWW Group/The Meserve Foundation are bound to the Code of Conduct and can have privileges removed at any time by the FFAP, without a hearing or refund, for any break in the Code of Conduct.